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Planning Board Minutes 07/02/2009
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
July 2, 2009

Members Present:  Richard Moore, Richard DeBold, Richard Arell, Stan Brehm, Kevin Mara, Mike Valotto, Allen Mayville, and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Vice Chairman Moore opened the meeting at 6:40pm.

The minutes of June 4th were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. DeBold to approve the minutes with a minor correction and seconded by Mr. Brehm.  Motion passes.

Mr. Pike reviewed the contents of the monthly packet.  The packet included draft driveway regulations.  It was brought to the attention of the office that there were not currently any adopted driveway regulations for the Town, and that there is a need to inform the citizens that driveway permits are required, and that for the safety of the homeowner and other travelers that specific construction design standards are required.   Mr. Moore directed the Board members to review the regulations over the next month and bring any suggestions for changes. Other items of note included minutes of a recent ZBA decision and correspondence from the selectmen regarding the actions taken on the Luksza property.

The following minutes were prepared by ex-Officio Richard DeBold.  Secretary Jamie Pike was the representing party for the following Design Review and Public Hearing.

Design Review, Subdivision, Jamie A Pike, Map 7 Lot 21, Durgin Road
Mr. Pike recused himself from his duties as Planning Board Secretary since he is the applicant before the Board for the subject Subdivision.

Mr. DeBold will take minutes for the discussions, and actions taken, concerning the proposed subdivision.

Vice – Chairman Moore outlined in detail the subdivision process to the Board and to the attending public.

Vice – Chairman Moore proceeded to review, item by item, the applicant’s subdivision application and presented to the Board his personal review of the subdivision documents and whether they met the requirements of the subdivision application checklist. All required items were included in the subdivision submission excepting item # 28. Mr. Pike explained to the Board that he was denied access to the adjacent property where there would be any existing ‘water supply and sewerage’.

Motion made by Mr. Mara, seconded by Mr. Brehm to accept the application as complete.
Motion unanimously approved.

Mr. Pike then gave a full and detailed explanation of the proposed subdivision.
Mr. Pike further explained that the subdivision at this time will require a ‘conditional’ approval dependent upon, (1) the approval by the Board of Selectmen to allow for the upgrading of Durgin Rd. from a Class IV to a Class V roadway, and (2) a State DES subdivision approval for Lot 7–21–1 due to the fact that the lot is less than 5 acres in area.

Vice – Chairman Moore queried the Board members on whether they believed all zoning and subdivision regulations have been met.
All members believed that the proposed subdivision, as submitted, has met the requirements.

Public Hearing, Subdivision, Jamie A Pike, Map 7 Lot 21, Durgin Road
Motion to enter into Public Hearing by Mr. Mara, seconded by Mr. Arell.
Motion unanimously approved.

Members in attendance who are abutters:  Ed Hayes, 51 Durgin Rd. and James Colby, 42 High Street, Boscawen (owns ‘back land’ abutting property).

Vice-Chairman Moore read, verbatim, the specific rules of procedures for the review of subdivisions in Public Hearing.

Mr. Hayes questioned acre requirements for lots, questioned the road layout and a need for a ‘turn-a-round’, and questioned the procedures necessary for wetland crossings.
All of Mr. Hayes questions were answered to his satisfaction.

Mr. Colby was present to go on record to state that he believes he has a Right Of Way through the Subdivision to his ‘back land’ property; however he comes to the Board with no documentation to substantiate at this time.

After further discussion Vice-Chairman Moore entertained a motion to either deny or approve.

Motion made by Mr. DeBold to approve the subdivision with two conditions:
1.      Durgin Rd. upgrade approval by the Board of Selectmen, and
2.      N.H. DES subdivision approval of Lot 7-21-1

Motion seconded by Mr. Mara.

Motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Discussion, Bobcat of NH, Mark Blanchard

Mr. Blanchard was present this evening to discuss the installation of a propane filling station upon his site.  It is proposed to replace the existing 500 gallon tank with a 1000 gallon tank with a filling station.  This change provided both financial and logistical benefits to the business.  Mr. Blanchard stated that he does not desire to retail sales of propane from the location, and the only use of the filling station would be for their own equipment and employees.  If Mr. Blanchard desires to change to retail distribution in the future he was directed to come back before the Board to review traffic patterns and parking requirements.  A letter shall be sent to Mr. Blanchard regarding stipulations set upon the change by the Planning Board.  Such stipulations shall include; that no retail sales to other persons than on-site employees be permitted and that all federal, state, and local regulations regarding the installation of the necessitated infrastructure be adhered to.

Discussion, Chichester Country Store, Ron & Robin Panneton

Mr. Panneton was present this evening to discuss the parking of a refrigerated trailer upon the site of the Country Store.  It was explained to the Board that this trailer is to be use for the storage of milk and other dairy products for the store and the home delivery business operated by Mr. Panneton.  It was stated that the trailer will be positioned to the right side of the house and will be approximately 60 feet from the edge of the traveled road surface.  One concern brought forward was the application of ZO Article III:C regarding the use of storage trailers for not longer than 6 months to allow time to provide adequate storage facilities.  It was determined that this ordinance did not pertain to this use.  Of other concern was the appearance of the trailer, especially to the abutting properties.  It was explained that there is a sufficient amount of foliage buffer between the properties.  A letter shall be sent to the Panneton’s regarding stipulations set upon the location of the trailer by the Planning Board.  Such stipulations shall include; that adequate screenage should be provided to ensure an appropriate buffer from the abutting properties, that adequate access be provided to the sight so as to not interfere with regular traffic patterns, that delivery times shall be restricted to normal store operating times and that all federal, state, and local regulations regarding the installation of the necessitated infrastructure be adhered to.

Also of discussion was the converting of the existing apartments into professional office spaces.  It was explained to Mr. Panneton that if this change is to occur, that the site review process would need to be followed.  It was also stated that the current food service license is of a Class C with seating limits of 24 seats.  Mr. Panneton intends to renovate the dining room of the house to accommodate additional seating.  

Joseph Austin was present to receive an audio copy of the June 4th meeting and to see if there was any formal response from Town Counsel regarding the application of the GMO.  At this time, there has been no formal response.

Dr. Mara requested information regarding the site changes occurring at the property of the pawn shop.  Previously approved plans and applications will be made available for inspection.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Dr. Mara to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie  A Pike, Secretary

                                                                        Not Yet Approved.

Richard Moore, Vice Chairman